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NGC is the most versatile solution in the world of controllers. Consisting of an ergonomic glove and a dedicated mobile app, it turns your smartphone into a powerful, multifunctional controller. NGC supports not only virtual and augmented reality activities, but also the traditional gaming experience and other new technologies, such as robots or drones
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Your smartphone can become a multifunctional wonder device – all you need is the NGC glove andapp. VR, AR or regular gaming? Be on top of your game using NGC as a handy gamepad. LegoMindstorms? Interact with your robots in a new, fuller way. Got a drone? You can fly your drone with one hand only!
Bring your gaming experience to the next level with the ultimate, extra comfortable controlling. The ergonomic glove with a reliable swivel smartphone grip provides easy and precise control in your favorite regular or AR games. And the NGC app allows you to use your smartphone in a VR headset
Get a better feeling while flying your drone – and much more fun! Control it with one hand only by a virtual joystick or a gyroscope controller. Wait, it could be even more exciting – take the experience to a whole new level by using the NGC glove and FPV glasses
The NGC app is fully integrated with Lego Mindstorms, providing extensive set options: a customizable control panel, multiple robots configuration, a control mode selection, etc. You can also choose a virtual joystick in the app or use full capabilities of a NGC glove supported gyroscope controller to get the best interactions with your robots ever.
VR headsets and controllers are highly expensive, but you don’t really need them to have fun with VR technology. Get a cheap Google Cardboard or build it yourself, and use it with the NGC app and glove. That’s all you need to get top tier gaming experience in virtual reality.
Attaching seamlessly hard objects to the soft
body parts is always challenging. NG Controller glove unique design integrates technology with your hands. This interface required human centered design, a deep understanding of physiology and ergonomics.
We have worked closely with EXEON design company. Their interdisciplinary team helped us turn our creative vision in to an excellent product.
Try one of the games with NGC controller
Play any retro games in VR !!!
© 2018 Matrix Dynamix Sp. z o. o., Prądnicka 89/6 Kraków, Polska, KRS 0000750730, NIP 9452222353, REGON 381406505 Media and game copyrights belong to their respective owners.